Printre deficiențele semnalate în raportul întocmit de Departamentul de Stat american, se semnalează din nou lipsa măsurilor de retrocedare a bisericilor greco-catolice.
Guvernul României a eșuat în a lua măsuri eficiente
pentru retrocedarea bisericilor greco-catolice confiscate de fostul
regim comunist.
Au existat numeroase dispute asupra clădirilor bisericești și a bunurilor pe care Biserica Ortodoxă nu le-a retrocedat Bisericii Greco-Catolice, încălcând hotărârile judecătorești care prevedeau acest lucru, mai scrie în raport.
"In April parliament passed new legislation for restituting property
seized by the former communist and fascist regimes. The law, now in
effect, creates a new “points” system that compensates claimants for
whom restitution of the original property is not possible with points
(one point for each leu of property value) that can be used later to bid
in auctions of state - owned property or in exchange for monetary
compensation. In July the National Property Restitution Authority issued
the first decisions of compensation in points of almost 13 million
points in some of the 80,000 restitution cases that are still pending.
Former owners’associations, the Greek Catholic Church, the Jewish
community, and civil society opponents of the new law said that
implementing it would further delay restitution and that the provisions
of the new law disproportionately advantage the government and current
occupants at the expense of the rightful owners. There were numerous
disputes over church buildings and property that the Orthodox Church did
not return to the Greek Catholic Church in violation of valid court
orders to do so."